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Gastric Sleeve surgery, also known as an sleeve gastrectomy, vertical sleeve, gastric sleeve resection and tube gastrectomy, is a newer type of weight loss surgery, where approximately 85% of the stomach is removed.* This morphs the stomach into a new, tube-like shape resembling a "sleeve". The operation is done via laparoscope, utilizing tiny incisions around the abdominal area, avoiding the need for a large incision, which may cause a huge scar.

Our Los Angeles Sleeve Gastrectomy operation is also a preferred option for patients suffering from extreme obesity (a Body Mass Index, or "BMI" of 50 or higher) as it can be much less risky than a gastric bypass or duodenal switch surgery, which are more invasive than a sleeve gastrectomy.

The Gastric Sleeve is also extremely effective at reducing the feeling of hunger, as the portion of the stomach that produces the "hunger hormone", Ghrelin, is removed. Eliminating this hormone helps you to feel more full after a smaller amount of food and help you feel satisfied after eating longer.*

About Gastric Sleeve

One of the greatest benefits of our sleeve gastrectomy in Los Angeles is that it does not affect the intestinal tract and requires no bypass. This will allow you to avoid any related complications, such as anemia, intestinal obstructions, or nutritional deficiencies from an inability to absorb proper nutrients from your meals. The Gastric Sleeve is also a viable option for those who are obese, but have a lower BMI, or are suffering from Crohn's disease, or similar conditions which would make other more invasive gastric surgeries much riskier.

If you are wondering if you qualify, know that the general criteria for gastric sleeve eligibility is very similar to that of other weight loss surgeries. This means your Body Mass Index should be over 40, or at least 35 with co-morbid conditions, such as Diabetes, Hypertension, or Sleep Apnea. You can easily find out your BMI using our BMI calculator, and be aware that a BMI of 30 or higher in adults is considered obese.

Gastric sleeve surgery is an excellent alternative for you if follow-up adjustments associated with the LAP-BAND surgery are problematic per your lifestyle or schedule.

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Before Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Quitting smoking is essential prior to a sleeve gastrectomy or any other weight loss surgery. Smoking greatly increases the chances of blood clots, pneumonia, infection and can greatly reduce your recovery time after surgery. Fully quitting smoking is extremely beneficial to your health, but know that for at least one month before and after your gastric sleeve surgery, you must stop smoking.

Your surgeon will also advise you on a specific diet prior to the surgery, and our staff of medical experts are also available to help you plan out your future dietary and lifestyle changes once you have completed your gastric sleeve procedure in our Los Angeles area offices.

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The entire gastric surgery process only takes about 1-2 hours and is done under general anesthesia. Usually, your hospital stay is 23 hours, though you may miss work for 2-3 weeks while you recover. Also, your stomach may be swollen and tender for the first week after the surgery, but your surgeon can prescribe medication to help reduce pain.*

During your recovery period in the first few weeks after your Los Angeles sleeve gastrectomy, you will slowly readjust to eating solid foods, starting with a full liquid diet and working your way from pureed foods to fully solid foods within 4-6 weeks.*

Within the first 6-12 months after surgery, most patient lose 50-70 percent of excess body weight and can greatly reduce weight-related conditions like sleep apnea, hypertension and type 2 diabetes within 1-2 years of your gastric sleeve surgery.*

As far as weight loss goes, most people who have gastric sleeve surgery lose 50 to 80 percent of their excess body weight over the first six months to one year after surgery. Studies have shown that after the gastric sleeve resection procedure people show improvement in diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea within one to two years. These improvements are comparable with those seen after other weight loss surgeries.*

As this is a relatively new procedure, limited data is available on long-term weight loss (beyond five years after surgery) or overall health improvements.

Following recovery, certain lifestyle changes and follow-up care occur; people who have gastric sleeve surgery must:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Learn behavior modification techniques.
  • Follow very specific dietary instructions for the rest of their lives, including eating very slowly, consuming only small quantities of food at a time, chewing thoroughly and swallowing food only when it is mashed, and not eating and drinking at the same time.

To learn more about the gastric sleeve, as well as weight loss surgery options in Los Angeles, please call our offices at 1-855-690-0559.