Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy) reduces the size of your stomach by 60 to 80%, creating a smaller, more sleeve-shaped stomach. The stomach valve and nerves remain whole and the stomach's ability to process food remains as normal. The procedure involves tiny incisions in the abdominal area and the removal of some portions of the stomach and sealing the remainder with surgical staples.
Approach to Weight Loss:
The Gastric Sleeve is a restrictive procedure that limits the amount of food that can be eaten in one meal and reduces the feeling of hunger.
Dietary Guidelines:
During the 1-2 year weight loss period, caloric intake should be between 600 and 800 calories, increasing to 1000-1200 calories per day once your desired weight loss goal is met. It is important to eat foods rich in protein and low in fats and calories. As with the LAP-BAND, you must avoid any drinks with caffeine or carbonation and drink 6-8 cups of water each day.
Eating Habits
It is recommended you eat five small meals a day and resist the urge to snack. You should make sure all food is chewed thoroughly and that drinking liquids is avoided during meals. Also after meals, you should avoid laying down or resting horizontally.
Nutritional Supplements:
Recommended supplements include a standard multivitamin, calcium and vitamin B12 supplements.
Operating Time:
1 hour
Hospital Stay:
Less than 24 hours
Time off Work:
2 weeks
Recovery Time:
3 weeks
Surgery Method:
Medical Implant:
Surgery Risks and Disadvantages:
As with any serious or bariatric surgery, there are the standard inherent risks of complications. Acid can leak from the point of stapling, which may require additional surgery or the use of a tube to drain the fluid. Certain foods may incur feelings of nausea, discomfort or vomiting. Smoking greatly increases the risk of blood clots, infection and a significant reduction in healing time as well as other complications.
Surgery Benefits and Advantages:
The Gastric Sleeve does not require an implant and removes the portion of the stomach that produces Ghrelin, the hormone that creates the feeling of hunger. The Gastric Sleeve is also an excellent option to "stage" your weight loss procedures to reduce the risk of gastric bypass or duodenal switch surgeries. As with the LAP-BAND, the surgery is performed laparoscopically, so scarring is minimal.
Average Weight Loss:
The Gastric Sleeve allows for a quicker rate of weight loss, with an average of 55% of excess weight in 2 years.*
Anatomy Changes:
The stomach is reduced in size by approximately 60-80% along its larger outer curve. This morphs the stomach into a sleeve shape.
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